A clever dog

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George có một chiêc hơi rất nhỏ và một con chó rất to. Một hôm, sau khi chơi quần vợt xong, anh lên xe chuẩn bị lái về nhà, nhưng con chó của anh lại nhảy lên một chiếc xe khác, George la hét cỡ nào nó cũng không đến chỗ anh. Cuối cùng, George phát hiện ra anh đã lên nhầm xe khác.

A clever dog.
George is a young man. He does not have a wife, but he has a very small car and very big dog. He likes playing tennis. Last Monday he played tennis for an hour, and then ran out and jumped into a car. His dog came after him, but it didn’t jump into the same car, it jumped into the next car.
“Come here, foolish dog!” George shouted at it, but the dog stayed in the other car.
George put his key in the lock of the car, but the key did not turn. Then he looked carefully at the car again. It wasn’t his! He was in the wrong car! And the dog was in the right one! “He’s sitting and laughing at me!” George said angrily to him self. But then she smiled and got into his car with the dog.

icon-engTên một số loài động vật:

dog con chó
cat con mèo
rabbit con thỏ
hamster chuột cảnh
horse ngựa
cow con bò
pig con lợn
sheep con cừu
goat con dê
bird con chim
chicken con gà
chick gà con
pigeon chim bồ câu
cẩny chim hoàng yến
parrot vẹt
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